Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nightmare Before Christmas Floormats

hand Do not let go I do not know if I remember or was told to me but when I was little my mom told me 'give me your hand to cross the street', and I said ' no, do not give it, you lend it, 'because it sounded to hand to give it, get it out and give it "but to give a hand is not that a bit? Lend a hand to someone is much more to do a favor. Not a few minutes your spare or provide a shirt you do not use is to give a part of you, is to give you. Shaking hands is hold on and cling to the other. When the world becomes a chasm and everything falls your hands does not cling to something, hold on to someone, someone who will not let you fall. When you gave your hand and no way to release it, and not yours, is linked to the other, both hands are. hands join us, join us when we shake hands to be me to be us. My hand is no longer mine, is yours, or ours. I'll never let go her hand, whatever happens.


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